Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cream Puff..(done by Jaja)

Cream Puff with custard cream piped inside

Today, my two girls wanted to bake something of their own choice of cakes. Of all recipes Jaja browsed in my recipe book, finally she wanted to make cream puff. I just watched her all the way and I think she have passed with flying colours..haha..

Ingredients :

250ml fresh milk
100g butter
1 tsp salt
15g caster sugar
125g bread flour
3 eggs (grade B)


1. Preheat oven to 200deg celc.
2. Heat up milk and bring to boil
3. Add in butter, salt and sugar
4. Add flour and mix well
5. Transfer to mixing bowl and beat until warm.
6. Add egg one at the time and continue beating until smooth
7. Put into piping bag with star nozzle and pipe like a rossette on a greased tray

8. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Custard cream

100g fresh milk
100g cream
100g sugar
50g custard powder
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla essence


Mix egg, sugar and custard powder until smooth. Heat milk and cream and bring to boil. Pour into egg mixture and stir well. Bring back to the heat and stir with whisker until thick.


ici said...

Boleh la Arishah rasa, because we are sleeping over on Sunday, and mama will only bring her back to KL on Tuesday. Tok wan balik Melaka on Monday. Nyum nyum...make Arishah fat!

Chef C said...

indeed..she has great potential!