Friday, February 13, 2009

Ice cream pie (apam malaysia)

Ice Cream Pie..( apam malaysia)

This recipe of steamed cake (apam) is from my mom when she was still with BAKAT ( it's a club of army wives). She got quite a number of recipes but my father accidently burnt them few years back when he did the spring cleaning.. Only few recipes she can remember and this is one of them may be because of its easy to remember..I used to make this when I was 10 years old but with her help of course..and I called it '1234 cake' from its measurement..

1 cup ice cream soda/ seven up
2 cups caster sugar
3 cups all purpose flour
4 eggs
rose flavour
red colouring ( or whatever you, blue, purple or even can substitute with chocolate paste)
paper as mould ( 10cmx15cm paper to be shaped like ice cream cone or 'kacang puti' cone)


Heat up the steamer. Arrange the paper mould into the hole.

Beat the sugar and eggs until light and fluffy. Gradually add flour alternately with ice cream soda. Lastly add a dash of rose flavouring. Take about quarter part of batter and add red colouring and mix well.

Take a tablespn full of plain batter into the mould followed by a teaspoon of red batter. Steam for about 15 minutes. Serve hot or cooled..


Unknown said...

hi eda.. at last.. ada gak step by step instruction macamana nak buat bentuk kon...



Chef C said...

1-2-3-4 cake..that's brilliant!!