My sister will be coming over this weekend. I'm thinking of baking cheesecake and my daughter suggest I baked japanese cheesecake instead of moist liked cheesecake or non bake ones. I normally bake the 'usual' cheesecake so I don't have really good tested recipe yet. As for that matter I have to browse in the internet searching amongst other good cooking blog for the recipe and finally I found this japanese cheesecake recipe that I fell in love by looking at the photo.. Besides never tried this recipe before I want to challenge myself by changing the flavour as well and hopefully everything will turn out well...I'm thinking of making chocolate flavour japanese cheesecake.
(A) 160g Cream Cheese, 25g Butter, 120g Milk
(B) 40g Flour, 30g Cornflour
(C) 4 Egg yolks
(D) 4 Egg whites, 1/8tsp Cream of Tartar, 100g Sugar, pinch of Salt
1. Grease and line the bottom of two 20-cm oval pans. Wrap outside of the pans in foil.
2. Place (A) in mixing bowl and stir over double-boiler until thick. Remove it from double-boiler.
3. Add (B) and mix until well combined. Add (C) and mix until well blended.
4. Whip the egg whites in (D) until foamy. Then add the remaining (D). Continue whipping until soft peaks. Add it into the cheese mixture from step (3).
5. Pour the cheese filling onto the prepared pans. Bake in water bath (steam bath) at 160C for 40-45 minutes or until well incorporated.
6. Remove cake from the oven. Remove the cake from the mould immediately. Set aside to cool.